Daniel Abraham

 Daniel Abraham 's Books

A very well recieved series by Daniel Abraham are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Price of Spring, An Autumn War (The Long Price Quartet), Shadow and Betrayal, A Shadow in Summer, An Autumn War, The Tyrant's Law (Dagger and the Coin), The Dragon's Path, The Spider's War, Autumn War lpq-3, Seasons of War, The King's Blood, A Betrayal in Winter (The Long Price Quartet Book 2), The Price of Spring (The Long Price Quartet Book 4), The Tyrant's Law tdatc-3, The Dragon_s path datc-1, When We Were Heroes, The King's Blood tdatc-2, A Shadow in Summer (The Long Price Quartet Book 1), A Betrayal in Winter, Price of Spring lpq-4, The Widow's House, The Widow's House (The Dagger and the Coin), Balfour and Meriwether in The Vampire of Kabul, which was published in 2022.